IAPR/ICDAR Outstanding Achievements Award
Hiromichi Fujisawa Hitachi R&D Japan
Biography: Dr. Hiromichi Fujisawa joined Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. in 1974. Since then, he has engaged in research and development on handwritten character recognition, document understanding including postal address recognition and forms processing, and document retrieval. He led research teams for developing business OCR systems, postal address recognition engine, document management system, full-text search machine, etc. He has been involved in such international activities as academic conference organization, technical journal editing and international standardization. He was a visiting scientist at Carnegie Mellon University in 1981 and at Stanford University in 2006. He is now a Corporate Chief Scientist at Research & Development Group of Hitachi, Ltd., and a head of Global Standardization Office of Hitachi. Dr. Fujisawa is a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) and a Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award
Josep Lladós Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spain
Biography: Dr. Josep Lladós received the degree in Computer Sciences in 1991 from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the PhD degree in Computer Sciences in 1997 from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) and the Université Paris 8 (France). Currently he is an Associate Professor at the Computer Sciences Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a staff researcher of the Computer Vision Center, where he is also the deputy director. He is the head of the Pattern Recognition and Document Analysis Group (2005SGR-00472). His current research fields are document analysis, graphics recognition and structural and syntactic pattern recognition. He has been the head of a number of Computer Vision R+D projects and published several papers in national and international conferences and journals. J. Lladós is an active member of the Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition Spanish Association (AERFAI), a member society of the IAPR. He is currently the chairman of the IAPR-ILC (Industrial Liaison Committee). Formerly he served as chairman of the IAPR TC-10, the Technical Committee on Graphics Recognition, and also he is a member of the IAPR TC-11 (reading Systems) and IAPR TC-15 (Graph based Representations). He serves on the Editorial Board of the ELCVIA (Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis) and the IJDAR (International Journal in Document Analysis and Recognition), and also a PC member of a number of international conferences. Josep Lladós has also experience in technological transfer and in 2002 he created the company ICAR Vision Systems, a spin-off of the Computer Vision Center working on Document Image Analysis, after win the entrepreneurs award from the Catalonia Government on business projects on Information Society Technologies in 2000.
The ICDAR Award Program is an established program designed to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Document Analysis and Recognition in one or more of the following areas:
- Research or Training of students
- Research/Industry interaction
- Service to the profession
Every two years, two awards categories are presented. Namely, the Young Investigator Award (less than 40 years old at the time the award is made), and the Outstanding Achievements Award. Each award will consist of a token gift and a suitably inscribed certificate. The recipient of the Outstanding Achievements award will be invited to give the opening key note speech at the current ICDAR conference, introduced by the recipient from the previous conference.
Nominations are invited for the 2007 ICDAR Awards in both categories.
The nomination packet should include the following:
1. A nominating letter (1 page) including a brief citation to be included in the certificate. 2. A brief vitae (2 pages) of the nominee highlighting the accomplishments being recognized. 3. Supporting letters (1 page each) from 3 active researchers from at least 3 different countries.
A nomination is usually put forward by a researcher (preferably from a different Institution than the nominee) who is knowledgeable of the scientific achievements of the nominee, and who organizes letters of support.
Submission procedure is strictly confidential, and self nominations are not allowed.
Please send these, preferably as a single pdf file, to the chair of the Awards Committee, Jianying Hu. Deadline for receipt of nominations is May 1st, 2007 but early submissions are strongly encouraged. For further information, please contact
Dr. Jianying Hu IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
The final decision will be made by the Awards Committee.
- Dr. David Doermann (IJDAR EIC)
- Dr. Wanyin Liu (TC10 Chair)
- Dr. Jianying Hu (TC11 Chair)
- Prof. Robert Sabourin (ICDAR 2007 Co-Chair)
- Prof Ching Y. Suen (Previous winner of Outstanding Achievements Award)
- Dr. Apostolos Antonacouplous (TC11 representative / Previous winner of Young Investigator Award)
- Prof. Young-Bin Kwon (TC10 representative)
Updated: 21.06.2007